
<p>When I told my college counselor that I wanted to major in nutritional science in the college of human ecology in cornell, he told me that I was trying to take the backdoor into cornell.<br>
Is CHE considered one of the weaker colleges at cornell in terms of difficulty of admission and intensity of education/competition level?</p>

<p>Human Ecology is slightly easier to get into than CAS. And nutritional science is regarded as a "fluff" major for premeds. That may be where he's coming from.</p>

<p>nutrition is also offered as a major in CALS.</p>

<p>But if nutrition in CHE is the program you want, then go for it.</p>

<p>oh i didnt know that nutrition was offered in CALS too
do you know what the difference is between majoring in it in CALS and CHE?</p>

<p>The major is exactly the same, but what differs are the two college's graduation requirements other than the major</p>

<p>information on nutrition major in each college is here: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>okay thank you very much</p>