<p>hey..i know this is a stupid question...
but when I look at my file at the left corner (beside my post), i see a big red dot at the bottom left corner, no one else has that.
anyone has this problem or knows why?</p>
<p>It means that you are appearing invisible. It took me FOREVER to figure that one out. lol</p>
<p>what does invisible mean lol
(sry, another stupid question)</p>
<p>btw, my friends on CC, when they click "my control panel" they see subscribed threads w/ the threads they have replied.
how come my subscribed threads are none while i already have 10 posts?</p>
<p>I guess no one has replied since you replied to your subscribed threads. Invisible is when it hides whether you're on/offline.</p>
<p>problem is someone did.
that's why I'm confused.</p>
<p>Sometimes it doesn't update fast enough. Try refreshing your page. F5 is my best friend.</p>
<p>lol after one night it still doesn't shows
perhaps I should change my invisible status?
(though I dont know how to change that lol)</p>