
<p>Is it a good idea or a bad idea to cease taking AP's in my senior year? </p>

<p>I want to relax..... :D BUT I heard that if you take easy classes colleges may think you're lazy or something and hurt your chances of getting admitted to their school.?</p>

<p>Just take 2</p>

<p>If you take one everyday ( Like I did for 3 straight days, then one day break, then take the other two the last two days)</p>

<p>then it can get someway stressful.</p>

<p>However, if u take 2 a day, it is killer.</p>

<p>Take 2-4</p>

<p>It is a bad idea to stop taking AP’s. Unless you only really care about getting into your safeties. Then by all means…</p>

<p>Bad idea to not take any. It’s okay to ease up a bit from junior year but for the most part the rigor should remain consistent between those two years</p>

<p>you should still take AP classes! Of course! You know that many colleges accept AP credit, so like for example, if you take AP lit. or AP Calculus, you might wave a semester of that class in college.</p>

<p>Bad idea. It shows that you are not slacking off your senior year (colleges look down upon this) and also it could help you earn college credit too.</p>

<p>Take 4. I did. It’s just right for still having a decent courseload but giving room for senioritis.</p>

<p>Don’t take 0 APs, that would be highly inadvisable. Try to reach a balance, perhaps only 3 APs, since it looks like decent amount and shouldn’t be that much work. But yea doon’t screw yourself over due to senioritis.</p>