
<p>I've got some decent sat scores (SAT 1-1510, SAT-II Writing 800, Math 2c 700, US history 790, French 660), but my GPA is down there...3.7 unweighted, 4.1 weighted, 20th in a class of 470. My EC's are an insane devotion to debate, volunteering at a hospital, 8 years of drama, CSF, Amnesty International. Im captain in debate, on the board in Amnesty. Ive got killer recs from my science and history teachers, and a supplemental from my summer prof at UCLA. My personal statements are decent. Do you guys think i can drown out my mediocre grades with the recs and test scores? My college list-
Wash U in St. Louis
U of Chicago
UCLA (i live in CA)
Boston University</p>

<p>forgot- AP's
This year- English Lit
French 5
Physics C Exam
Last year
Physics B Exam- 4
US history- 5
Statistics- 4</p>

<p>and i'm in my third semester of calc at a community college.</p>

<p>i would say def good everywhere except harvard and yale...mainly because they are toss ups for basically everyone. Still worth a shot though.</p>

<p>I'd have to agree with Afterglow.</p>

<p>Harvard and Yale are still doable, but you have to make sure your essays, and recs are outstanding, as well as keeping up your grades. Keep your wits about you and you'll have some excellent choices. Anyhow, I hope this is of use to you. Good luck on your applications. :)</p>

Your SAT is more than decent and your GPA isn't 'down there'. Stop trying to be modest.</p>


<p>Your stats are excellent... I don't know where your modesty is coming from...</p>

<p>Harvard: Slight Reach
Dartmouth: Slight Reach
WUStL: Match
Yale: Slight Reach
Chicago: Match
UCLA: Match
Macalester: Safety (?)
Wellesley: Match
Brandeis: Safe Match (?)
Boston University Safe Match</p>

<p>Thanx for the encouragement, REALLY. You people are awesome. I just have another question- probably in the wrong forum, but whatever. Yale seems to really hate supplemental recs and such- if I think it will reallllllllllly help, should I do it anyway? Does that hurt my chances?</p>


<p>You'll do fine you rocked your interviews and so probably got in everywhere</p>