<p>I was taking a practice test and got stuck between 2 answers:</p>
<p>Each pipe is individually rolled to create the proper pitch before (being bound) to the other pipes.</p>
<p>A. No Change
B. being binded
C. been bounded
D. been bound</p>
<p>The awnswer is A and I got it right but I didnt know whether it was A or B.</p>
<p>“bound” is present-tense, and “binded” is past-tense.</p>
<p>Mark are you sure that “bound” is present tense? I was seriously thinking the opposite that bind is present tense.</p>
<p>^UVAorBust is correct. </p>
<p>Mark what the hell are you talking about? There is no such thing as “binded”. “Binded” is what, in fact, little kids tend to say as they haven’t gone through the stage of getting past overgeneralizations of putting “-ed” after verbs to make them past tense (apparently neither has mark)</p>
<p>In any case, bind is present. BOUND is PAST. There is no such thing as “binded”</p>
<p>ok thanks everyone! (:</p>