Questions about admission?

Hi all, so I finally received my acceptance letter for U of A! Everything looks good, but I’m confused about two things:

  1. Did I get into the Honors College? At the top of my letter it says I was admitted for - Pre-Business Major in the Eller College of Management. It doesn't say anywhere else in the letter about whether I was/wasn't accepted into the Honor's college, even though I applied there.
  2. Was I directly admitted into Eller? I understand some schools allow some undergrad students into the Business school, but am not sure if arizona does the same. I was just confused because it says I am in a major under the Eller College of Management, but I thought students couldn't get into Eller until Junior year?


You are not admitted into Eller until you complete your pre-reqs and pass the Eller Entrance Exam (usually in your soph year).