Questions about AP Calc BC

<p>I'm currently taking Math B, and i just finished the Regents...</p>

<p>eventhough i'm not in advanced Math, i still want to give it a shot by taking Precalc and Calc BC in my senior year....</p>

<p>so my question is...are the criteria in Calc BC related to Precalc? Will i lose track b/c i'm lacking the knowledge of Precalc?</p>


<p>The only thing you really need to know from PreCalc would be Trigonometry, so I think you'll be okay...</p>

<p>That is true. And at that, there are a few other topics (vectors, polar coordinates, etc.), towards the end, that you will already have learned in Pre-Calc. by that time anyways.</p>

<p>I don't think you will have any problems at all.</p>

<p>Whew...i really hope that i can pull it off...</p>

<p>like 2 of my math teachers believe that i won't be able to since they never seen people done this b4....</p>

<p>No AB and no Precalc? Wow. Okay - you better have a good base of Alg2/Trig and be willing to put the work in.</p>

<p>Don't worry. I took precalc this year and self-studied Calc AB and BC. It is actually pretty nice because you get refreshed on all sorts of small things. </p>

<p>We will see what the scores are(*crosses fingers for a 5).</p>