Questions about applying for college process

<p>I’m a 16 Mexican girl in central California. I would like to major in business/marketing or something like that. I’m a senior and am not sure about lots of things in the college application process. Any tips, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Here go the questions….</p>

<p>How do I choose what colleges to apply?
Is it true that if you put you want to major in some unpopular subject, you have a better chance of getting in?
Also, on the SAT Subject Tests, I took math II , U.S. History, and Spanish. On math, I got a 540 (L). On U.S. History I got a 590 . On the Spanish, I got a 770 (it was my first language, English was my second language & it was extremely easy). My question is, how do I seriously raise my math score. I’m not the worst, but I need to refresh. What’s the best way? Also, should I take a different subject instead of U.S. History or Spanish. Does Spanish look bad? My SAT Reasoning test score was 1750 (math 540, critical reading 620, and writing 590). My ACT was a 29. What do I need to do to improve my chances? Also, what about the essays I have to write; any tips? What should I write about.</p>

<p>In deciding which colleges to apply to, you should first think about 1) how far you want to be from home? 2) which area of the country? 3) size of school? and 4) cost? (public or private school). </p>

<p>You should apply for a major in which you are interested and have a background in HS - ex. have you been involved in chemistry club? then applying as a chemistry major makes sense.</p>

<p>depending on the colleges to which you decide to apply, you may not even need SAT II tests - not all require them.</p>

<p>going to schools in nyc is the best for business because there are a lot of internship opportunities...nyu stern</p>

<p>have you looked at indiana university?
it seems to be a match with your stats and it is a great business school (tenth in the nation)</p>

<p>If Spanish is your first language, then I wouldn't submit an SAT II Spanish score (especially b/c you didn't ace it) </p>

<p>Get an SAT prep book, it'll give you a lot of math refreshers as well as a huge vocab list to improve your verbal score.</p>