Questions about AVID classes?

What exactly is the purpose of this class? I know that it’s supposed some sort of guidance towards a college pathway, but what do you do during the year, exactly? I’m considering taking this in place of another class my incoming junior year. Is it worth it and how will it benefit me (will I leave the class at the end of the year feeling really knowledgeable about something)? What does an average class day look like?

To put it simply, how is AVID supposed to help me as a student and what am I supposed to gain from taking it?


AVID is meant for first gen high school students. It basically teaches you note taking skills, advanced class prep in order to take honors and AP classes, and you do a bunch of college visits as well, among other things. You’re taught how to organize yourself and keep a binder and how to manage your grades and extracurriculars.