Questions About College of Human Ecology

I just discovered the college of human ecology and it looks perfectly fit for what I’m interested in! I have a couple questions

  • is it harder to be in the college of human ecology than the college of arts and sciences for pre-meds?
  • how integrated is it with the main campus
  • what makes it unique from the rest of Cornell (besides the actual college)

Thank you!!

Sorry if these are common questions, I just couldn’t find them when I searched! :slight_smile:


Hmm I say it is equal for both CHE and CAS, since they take the same requirements for premed. But i think CHE Is better than CAS if you want your coursework to be more liberal (not in a political stance lol but in that CAS requires that you take 100 credits/120 credits in CAS which is a lot and you’ll end up taking a lot of requirements that wouldn’t pertain to premed such as the language requirement). Also, i wouldn’t say CHE is secluded. everyone is integrated in the main campus, no matter what major or school you are. as for the last part, I would emphasize CHE’s focus on research because that’s something CHE stresses a lot. trust me on that. that is CHE’s selling point. CHE has done the most undergraduate research out of any college at cornell and I think you should dig even further to make your essay even stronger.

@HereToTransferr Thank you for the detailed response!! What are the different requirements between CAS and CHE? Also I heard the CHE ED acceptance rate is 70%? Is this true?

The CHE Ed rate is nowhere near 70%. CHE is a pretty small college at Cornell. Last year there were 2,069 total applicants, out of which 430 were accepted in both ED and RD combined. I doubt they accept more than 200 students in the ED round. I would imagine the ED rate is close to Cornell’s overall ED rate, roughly 25%.

@blprof what would you say are the main selling points for the CHE?

@2023doctor I told you before, their main selling point is research. I even have worked with some of the ambassadors at the CHE who want to focus on that…

@HereToTransferr Awesome, thank you so much!!

If you are able to visit, CHE gives a very thorough presentation in a small group setting. It allows you to really get a feeling for the college and what to emphasize in your essay. The College’s viewbook is also very helpful:

@blprof I TOTALLY didn’t realize this existed! I’m so glad you let me know, I’m planing my college trips right now so it’s great timing.