<p>for those who have taken them, this is just a stupid question but I'm wondering just how much hw does it give out? About the same as AP courses? More? Less?</p>
<p>I know it depends on the class but if you could tell me what course(s) you have taken/are taking, the level of difficulty in comparison to AP courses and the amount of time it takes to study for them that would be awesome of you thanks.</p>
<p>My daughter took two quarters of college composition at the community college at the same time as my son was taking AP comp at the high school.</p>
<p>Her first quarter was pathetically easy… not worth much to her at all. The second quarter was really rigorous and much, much harder (and far better educationally) than anything my son experienced in an entire year of AP Comp.</p>
<p>I wish I could have plucked him out of AP Comp (nothing but a giant test prep) and dropped him into her second quarter comp class at the community college. Had he been there he would have learned everything he would ever need to know about writing a serious research paper of substantial length and broadly sourced.</p>
<p>So… I guess my answer on their relative strength would be, “it depends.”</p>
<p>Depends on the specific class, the instructor… it will vary widely, I think.</p>