Questions about dorming at orientation

<p>1.) What res hall do students stay at during orientation? I'd like to stay at the same place I'll be living at during the school year (Dykstra) but it seems that since only a fraction of the freshman class will be at each session, they could probably easily fit everyone into one hall.</p>

<p>2.) Do we need to bring stuff for our beds for those 2 nights like pillows, blankets, sheets, etc.?</p>

<p>[UCLA</a> Summer Orientation Program](<a href=“]UCLA”></p>

<p>That should answer your questions.</p>

<p>As stated in the link you will not need bedding. Just your toiletries and a towel and any other personal items. Of course, clothing. You will not get to stay in the dorm you will have for the fall. The dorms they use for orientation are set aside specifically for that purpose. All dorms are being used during the summer either for regular students doing summer session or visiting high school students doing various camps, etc. You will probably be in Reiber terrace or whatever dorm is set aside specially for orientation.</p>

<p>Thanks for the answers. One last question:</p>

<p>It says that check-in on the first day of orientation starts at 7:45 AM and that your reservation is canceled if you show up later than 5:00 PM.</p>

<p>Does this mean that you can show up from any time between 7:45 and 5:00 and not miss anything? Like do they have the same events going on multiple times throughout the day? Or would it be best to get there right at 7:45?</p>

<p>They didn’t have the same events going on multiple times throughout the day last year. I would say get there at like 8, so you can put ur stuff in the room and head out to meet the people in your group. You don’t have to be there exactly at 7:45 because you have to sit and fill out surveys until everyone in your group arrives.</p>

<p>They have other events scheduled but they realize that not everyone can get there on time, especially if they have to travel and those arrangements. I heard that it’s better to get there on time (if you can of course) just to be with everyone and not be anxious/nervous/rushing to get where you’re supposed to get to.</p>

<p>What exactly are the groups you talked about and how many people are in them? I was worried that you just do everything by yourself and there isn’t really much interaction with other students.</p>

<p>dont bring a towel there is one provided. I know it says to bring one But i was there. We checked in at Rieber hall but we stayed at Rieber terrace</p>

<p>your orientation groups have about 10 people give or take. there is an orientation counselor (OC) that leads each group, which based on major</p>

<p>Helljumper: It is best to get there around 8:00. I am a parent and my daughter will be a junior this fall. We arrived around 8:00 and went to the dorm check in to get rid of her stuff. Then they have some food/breakfast munchies set up for everyone while you check in. There are some forms and surveys to fill out. You are put in a group of around 10-12 that you will be with for the 3 days. You are grouped but major or area of interest so you will be with some like minded people. My daughter met one of her current best friends in her orientation group. There are many presentations and seminars the first day so you definitely want to get there by 8:00 unless you are flying in from far away. In the seminars and presentations you will be a tons of others students but for the most part your small group and your counselor are together for the day. There are fun activities at night or you can hang out int the dorms/ go to Westwood for dinner.</p>

<p>My daughter really enjoyed orientation and as I said met a great friend there. the third day is the day you register for your classes. That is also Parent’ day so my husband and I went to some special presentations, lunch and had a tour. We met up with our daughter around 6:00pm the third day. We hadn’t seen her since I dropped her off at 8:00 the first morning. Don’t worry bout anything. Hundreds of others will be feeling like you are. The staff and counselors know that and everything is incredibly well organized. Enjoy!</p>

<p>Ok, so i know I was supposed to send in the bruincard application 5 weeks ahead of time but I kept putting it off and then I went on vacation and by the time I got back there were only four weeks left so I didn’t send it. I read somewhere that you can get it taken care of at Orientation in the morning- is this true?</p>

<p>yes it is. You can get it taken anytime beforehand too if you’re on campus</p>

<p>Yep! I’m out of the country as well, and I won’t be worrying about that until Orientation! I heard the line to wait to take the picture and get it isn’t very long at Orientation either, so yay!</p>

<p>My Freshman orientation is next week and I will be arriving on Monday night, to stay the extra night. Is 8pm a good time to arrive? Also, when we stay in the dorms, how many people will stay in the room with us?</p>