<p>At schools where they are NEED-AWARE for international students applying for financial aid, like Duke University, and can only have 20-ish internationals.. does this mean the school will only accept the set amount of students? Or do they accept more than the set number because the yield won't be 100%?<br>
Also, if someone applied for financial aid, is it possible that they can still be accepted but with NO financial aid at all?
Financial Aid for international students is just so tricky!</p>
<p>ahh...i am with you absolutely. i got accepted to nyu (likely), bu, and fordham, but nyu and bu don't offer f. aid. to internationals and bu outright didn't give me any money. as for fordham, they offered scholarship but i wouldn't go there.
plus, i got waitlisted at northwestern today. i was thinking that i was a match there (800v, 780 m, 800, 720, 710, gpa 3.988 uw, etc) but being a low income foreigner definitely didn't help. i'll just wait for the need blind decisions to arrive, and i've got my hopes up for princeton. good luck to you. i don't think i answered ur question, sorry!</p>
<p>sorry aobut your waitlist at northwestern.. yeah, i bet the fin aid was definitely a factor. i got rejected at NU. good luck with the rest of your schools.<br>
anyone have any insight to my question above?</p>
<p>Yes it is possible that somebody who applied for financial aid doesnt get any.This happened with a person at my school who got into Wharton ED</p>
<p>About your other question,I definitely think they accept more than the set number.This is based on the example of Northwestern this year.I know 3 Indians who got financial aid from there,and since they supposedly give aid to only 15 intls,I dont think it is possible that I know 20% of the Intls who got aid.</p>
<p>most unis give need-based aid to some intls but are not needblind in the admission process, which means you have to be REALLY wanted to be accepted with finaid, becuz intls applyin for finaid would be in a separate and way more competitive pool of applicants. some schools (like stanford for instance) states in their app package that some intls are rejected not becoz they are not qualified, but that they show financial need and the finaid office is unable to provide any (or enough). Very few schools are generous enough to be needblind towards intls altogether, they're schools like yale, princeton, harvard, williams and a couple of liberal arts colleges. one exception is cornell, which accepts ppl without aid and allow acceptees to try get themselves some money by whatever means. but most schools (except of EDers) simple reject intls whom they cant provide aid with and dont bother to admit them without aid.</p>
<p>thats why most intls (i think) dont apply for aid, its damn rite tricky</p>
<p>Why did you apply to Fordham if you "would not go there"? You may find yourself without many options especially if finances play a role.</p>