<p>how many practice tests does it include? or is the book just all about tips and techniques? and for those who have had it is it really worth buying?</p>
<p>i have the college board blue book & 11 practice tests from PR - would taking the practice tests from there help my psat scores go up while studying for sat at the same time?</p>
<p>Umm. . .for you first set of questions, why don't you check it out at a bookstore to see for yourself?
and I have been studying mainly for the SAT, except to get my timing right for the PSAT. Last year, I took the PSAT as a sophomore and got a 219, as apposed to a the 1250 SAT I got in 8th grade, so I would definitely say that preparing for the SAT helps for the PSAT.. .same material except for math</p>
<p>I'd recommend buying Kaplan's 2006 SAT I book instead of the PSAT one. It's virtually the same information.</p>