Questions about L&C!

<p>I recently got accepted, but haven't visited yet and am not from the area.</p>

<li><p>Can anyone speak to the Gender Studies program?</p></li>
<li><p>Is the school really a stoner school?</p></li>

<p>Is there anything anyone can tell me about academics/social life/anything that might help me make a decision?</p>

<p>This is one of the schools my daughter visited. I can’t answer your questions from personal experience, but if you read the student comments posted on the site that starts with the word college and ends with the word ******* you will see that pot smoking is quite prevalent. I hope CC doesn’t asterisk out the name of the site. Not sure how to get around that. </p>

<p>[Lewis</a> & Clark College - Drug Safety - College Prowler](<a href=“Lewis & Clark College - Niche”>Lewis & Clark College - Niche)</p>

<p>My D attended. She never felt pressured to try any drugs. I don’t know anything about the Gender Studies program. Academically and socially she REALLY enjoyed the school. She bonded with her professors and did very well in her classes. She was involved in different clubs, did a study abroad semester, found “her people” to hang out with, went to poetry slams, student talent shows, one act play craziness. In short she loved her time at LC.</p>

<p>Just spoke with my D’s friend who took Gender Studies 200. She said it was her best class at school and she wished she took it as a freshman so she could have majored in it. Her friend is a current Gender Studies minor who will be presenting at the Gender Studies symposium this year. According to D’s friend, “The program is relatively small but very dedicated and the teachers are great”. </p>

<p>Also, both D and her friend disagree with the stoner label.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for sharing this information with me! </p>

<p>It has been a huge help and I am very pleased with this news about L&C :)</p>

<p>I can’t thank you enough! :D</p>

<p>Good luck and enjoy your school time.</p>