Questions about Loyola

<p>I was recently accepted to loyola and i just have some questions
1. i have heard that it is a good school for pre-med, is this true?
2. i am also considering political science or economics as a major and maybe going to law school, how strong is loyola in these fields?
3. generally, what are the students like? are they preppy jocks, free spirits, or is there no real generalization of them. are they students predominantly conservative, liberal, or is there not a dominant political party, and either way are the students politically active?
4. i want to go to college so that i can get an education and grow as a person, but i also want to have fun so what is the party seen like? do people drink a decent amount. i'm not saying i want to party every night, i just want to be able to enjoy myself after working hard in my studies.</p>

<p>I’ve been wondering about the same questions, too. I was accepted and, although I visited twice, still feel like I only have the faculty’s view on the student body and not a student’s view on the student body.</p>

<p>yeah i visited, but it was more of a campus tour, but i am gonna do an overnight so i hope that will give me a better idea.</p>

<p>also 2 more questions about the student body:

  1. i have been reading some student reviews about the school and a lot of the students comment on how 35% of the student body is male and how there are a lot of gay guys. i have absolutely no problem with gay guys, but i am curious how noticeable it really is. this probably wont affect my decision but i was wondering since some students made it sound like it was prominant, and some didnt even mention it.
  2. i know that the greek scene is small, but how is the greek scene for those who are part of it?</p>

10 char</p>

to add to the greek scene question, are these stereotypical frat guys, or is it more of a mixture. also i realize that i have made some bas typos, but it wont let me edit, so sorry</p>

<p>I’m gay and applying to LUC tonight, so that proves what you’ve heard about LUC having a lot of gay men!! (Just kidding)…</p>

<p>As to your question about the party scene, I have multiple friends on CC who have either visited LUC or know people that attend it. Even one has told me that she’s not going to apply to LUC because it’s too much of a party school! Now, I don’t think it’s that big of a party school, but I do think it must have a healthy balance.</p>

<p>I am also considering political science as a major and cannot comment on their programs as I do not know.</p>

<p>As to your question about the student body, remember, Loyola University of Chicago is a JESUIT school. You will probably find a great variety of people. The school is in Chicago and Jesuit schools aren’t exactly known for having a strict reputation. After all, Jesuits are liberal catholics. I don’t know which you prefer, the only people I can imagine having problems are extreme republicans who would fit in perfectly at a school like BYU.</p>

<p>Good luck! I have heard nothing but good about Loyola’s Academic reputation and it’s pretty much known that you can’t go wrong with the Jesuits!</p>

<p>ok i prefer a more liberal catholic administration, and for the student body to not be dominated by one end of political spectrum. i have been doing some research into the jesuit schools i am applying to (LUC, fordham, boston, holy cross, marquette) and they arent as conservative as many catholic schools, but still more conservative than liberal. i have heard that loyola is one of the more liberal ones so that was mainly why i was asking. thanks!</p>

<p>you are right on the money with the schools you listed… and what’s funny is they are the most conservative of any jesuit schools… but it’s still a healthy balance…</p>

<p>LUC isn’t like Holy Cross, Boston College, Marquette, (not exactly sure on Fordham)… except it to be more liberal than that.</p>

<p>Ok, that is what my research seems to indicate. Fordham, BC, and holy cross seem predominately conservative and loyola seems much more liberal, especially for a catholic school.</p>

<p>You might also check Loyola info on u n i g o d o t c o m. It has a number of student “reviews.” When CC forums on a school are a little lean, like this one, I generally check there also.</p>