<p>So for the activities section:</p>
<li><p>I volunteered at two hospitals doing different things, but during the same summer (which was this summer); should I list them as one activity?</p></li>
<li><p>How do I list UIL spelling/vocab participation? I'm going to create a club for it senior year (as something to 'officially' practice for the competition), but I already participated in the competition in junior year. Should I list it as an academic competition or club? And will colleges think I did it just to 'pad' my resume even though it's actually something I'm passionate about and would've done earlier if I'd known about it?</p></li>
<li><p>Also, I really hope I don't come across as a person who did a thousand different things in high school, but what if I have more than 10 activities to list? Do I just omit the not-so-important ones (like Math Club in freshman year? Even though I won a regional award in that?) or list them in the "Additional Information" section at the end of the app? Also, what's the word limit for that section?</p></li>
<p>And for the UChicago writing supplement:</p>
<li>Why does the UChicago supplement have a 275 word limit? UChicago is very lenient with their word limits, and they've allowed people in the past to submit essays upwards of 700-800, and even 1000 words. Shouldn't I be allowed to do the same this year?</li>
<p>And more generally, I've seen people having issues with the paragraph breaks thing. Common App is so dumb! Why did they enforce such a stupid rule? Are they really allowing only one paragraph break? (I'm assuming people were trying to input their Common App essays and it wouldn't let them have more than two separate paragraphs.)</p>
<p>If someone could help me with these questions I'd be incredibly grateful!</p>
<p>Oh, one more thing:</p>
<li>For the ‘honors, awards, and accomplishments’ section, do I have to list the years in which I received the awards? I got a few awards in choir in freshman and junior years, so do I say 2010, 2013, etc. in parentheses after the award name?</li>
<p>BUMP! Can anyone answer my questions, please?</p>
<p>Seriously guys, bump. I don’t have anyone else to ask, my counselor is on vacation and I want to get these questions resolved ASAP.</p>
<p>Wow that is an intense set of questions.</p>
<p>1) I feel, since you did two different things at each hospital (and since we don’t get enough space to elaborate) you should list them as separate activities - UNLESS, you feel that (with the 10 activity limit) it stops you from including some other activity you feel needs to be present.</p>
<p>2) List it all together in one activity, and explain it best you can in the Activities section. Make use of the additional info section to elaborate on this. Only, and only, if you feel very strongly about it.</p>
<p>3) Prioritize for the Activities section, and maybe upload a resume for the Additional Info section? Not sure about the word limit, sorry.</p>
<p>4) No idea. Post this more specifically in the UChicago forum on CC.</p>
<p>5) Some parent wisely said that the CommonApp people are using us as guinea pigs to test out the spankin’ new version. It’s dumb and unfair, and I’ve done my fair share of complainin’, but what’re you gonna do? Right? <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>6) Listing the years definitely makes your information a whole lot more credible! </p>
<p>Hope this helped.</p>
<p>OMG SOMEONE FINALLY RESPONDED? THANK YOU SO MUCH selzilla! Your answers are incredibly useful. Thank you <3 <em>sends cookies</em></p>
<p>Hahah, pleasure.</p>
<p>For future reference, people see a gabazillion questions and freak out. Be sneaky and ask the most important one and then when you have the ball rolling a bit with a few answers, pull out some more. Space it out, basically.
I’d say it helps.</p>