<p>I'm going to be a freshman this fall and I have a couple of questions. Maybe I've overlooked this, but I registered for classes in early June during orientation and didn't write down who my professors would be when I registered because I was trying to get into classes that we're filling up like crazy. Now, when I view my class schedule it seems that I have no way of finding out who my professors are. So, I was wondering how I could do that. Also, when I do find out who my professors are--how do I get access to their syllabi?</p>
<p>The answers to these questions are probably really simple, but I've tried a whole bunch of different links on blackboard to get this information and have had no luck!</p>
<p>Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)</p>
<p>Put in the course and term, uncheck the Show Open Sections Only box. Look at the section number of your class and the professor should be listed.</p>
<p>Who will be teaching a course and who the TAs will be is likely still being finalized, so few professors likely have their course syllabus finalized. Many in fact don’t get a “finalized” syllabus until a week or two into the semester, just due to things still being finalized.</p>
<p>That said, I wouldn’t really worry about who your professors are right now. They very well may not be the professors that you get the first day of class. </p>
<p>As for the course syllabus, you will either get a copy first day of class that the professor hands out (typically only in small classes though- don’t expect a 400 person class in Fisher Lecture Hall to get a copy), or they will upload the syllabus to Blackboard within either a few days before or after classes begin. </p>
<p>Very few classes are going to have Blackboard course sites up for Fall though (under the Courses tab). Professors are still having to finalize everything from summer semester, so they aren’t worrying about getting a Blackboard site for the class open yet. There’s still 3 weeks till classes start.</p>