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I’m an alum. I graduated decades ago but am still connected. And my friends have kids there now! It was a great place to spend 4 years.

My oldest daughter attends Rollins as a sophomore now and she loves loves loves the school and her experience there. She graduated from a large public high school near a big city which was academically very rigorous and sends nearly 40 percent of its graduating class to Ivies and top 50 schools, and has so many successful athletes and musicians and performing artists. Going to Rollins was a breath of fresh air for her because, while challenging and certainly not a cake walk, her professors make the material fun to learn and they motivate her to learn in a new way (not just for the grade). She has found her tribe there and did from the start. I know not all kids are so fortunate, but she found people who she could relate to and open up to and its been wonderful for her.

Most of all, I love Rollins for its mission driven vibe and ethic. Its social media marketing on Instagram reflects just how deeply and broadly the college is invested in its students and in its mission. My youngest daughter has been auditioning for BFA programs for acting and musical theater, but she is seriously considering Rollins, even though it only has a BA program, because of the beauty and community feel of the campus and the theater department.

Do not overlook Rollins because it does not appear on the U.S. News and World Report National rankings list. Rollins is categorized as a regional university based on the number of students who pursue professional undergraduate disciplines rather than traditional liberal arts majors. Rollins is what its motto “Fiat Lux” suggests: A shining light.

I love that your daughter loves it as much as I did!