Questions about Shanghai

<p>My D is going to Shanghai next semester and then Beijing in the summer. I am particularly wondering about banking and cell phones. What can you recommend about banking? She has a Blackberry World Edition - not certain how that works in China. Will she have to buy a SIM card? Any other advice?</p>

<p>She can use her US ATM card to withdraw money in China - fees will vary depending on her bank. If she happens to have an account with Bank of America she can get fee-free withdrawls at China Construction Bank ATMs. Otherwise look for HSBC or Citibank ATMs as they allow a larger withdrawal amount to minimize fees (many of the Chinese banks only allow 1600 rmb at a time - you can do more than one transaction at a time but each one will have a fee)
Unlocked GSM phones work fine in China - just buy a China Mobil SIM card. I don’t have internet on my phone so am not familiar with the plan but it should be less expensive than in the US. This site has some good info: [Pre-Paid</a> GPRS Sim Card in China](<a href=“]Pre-Paid”>Pre-Paid GPRS Sim Card in China | Wangjianshuo's Blog)</p>

<p>I may be too late but blackberries work fine here. Make sure you have the global plan activated but otherwise, they work great. My T-Mobile plan is about $60 per month for unlimited global data.</p>

<p>Momtn is right about the BofA connection. It is a great deal as China Construction will not charge you any transaction fees (nor will BofA). Construction Bank is prevalent both in Shanghai and Beijing.</p>