<p>On the admissions portal where it lists the various components of your application and whether they've been recieved, it shows 3 categories: Basic Requirements, Additional Requirement, and Other Material.</p>
<p>All my Basic Requirements have been received. Under Other Material, it lists the Penn Optional Essay as being received, too. However, under Other Material, it also lists "Additional Information (2)" and shows that only "1" has been received. </p>
<p>I have a transcript that was sent from a college that I'm taking some courses at as well as an outside letter of recommendation from a summer program, so I'm guessing that maybe these are the (2) items referred to as "Additonal Information". However, if that's the case, why would only 1 item be listed as being received? I tried calling the admissions office, but they couldn't really help me. They just said that a lot of information still needs to be uploaded onto the portal and that they were not able to check my individual application at this point.</p>
<p>Does anyone else have things listed as "Additional Information" under Other Material? On the page that shows Outstanding Application Materials, it looks like all of my Basic Requirements have been received, but it also lists this "Additional Information (2)".</p>