questions about the possibility of going from building to building in 10 min

<p>Is it feasible to go from York to Solis, Humanities and Social Sciences to Applied Physics and Mathematics, and from Pepper Canyon hall to Solis in 10? (in separate trips, of course)
and would you have to walk at speedwalking pace to get there in time?</p>

<p>HSS to AP&M is no problem since they're right next to each other. York to Solis will take a little speed walking but the route is flat for the most part. Pepper Canyon to Solis is a stretch. It's a long way and uphill. Running shoes wouldn't be a terrible idea for that one. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks for answering both my threads, SterlingTFX. also, is the walk from York to Sequoyah < 10 min?</p>

<p>Sequoyah is in Marshall/ERC area I's just a slightly longer distance than from York to Solis. So you might have to run a little bit to get to class on time.</p>

<p>i used to make the York --> Sequoyah commute in 10 minutes ... or rather, I ambled along at the pace I wanted to. It was a gchem lecture to the gchem discussion I TAed for - I got a big kick out of seeing my students run to class so they could get seats :)</p>