Questions about the rec center

<p>my daughter absolutely loved cycle classes, body sculpting classes, and yoga classes at our local gym. she made an effort to go daily. however, now that she’s at bama, she hasn’t been to the rec center once. she says she doesn’t have time, that it’s too far away, that the bus doesn’t make it convienent and doesn’t run there on the weekends. i’m afraid she’s spending all her free time socializing with friends and not making adequate effort to do what she loves. do you think she would be able to find enough time to go at least once daily?</p>

<p>they have only been there a couple of weeks, and i know my kid hasn’t had a lot of free time yet.</p>

<p>maybe she will get back to it in a little while.</p>

<p>My DD goes every day. It’s just something she has to make a commitment to do and then make it part of her “routine”. Your D is right…it’s pretty far from main campus and the honors dorms. D didn’t have a car freshman year (we don’t allow our children to take them for the first year) so she either had to walk, take the crimson ride (she dislikes the bus very much and I think I can count on two hands how many times she’s ridden it in 2 years plus a couple of weeks) or go with a sorority sister who had a car. If your D finds a work out buddy she will be more inclined to go, especially if that girl or boy has a car!</p>

<p>My DD is using the fact that the rec is so far from Tut as a plea to bring her car to TTown. I guess a lot of the kids just drive over there. We will see who wins the battle this weekend. She finally found a ride home to Dallas, but will be begging to take “Antonio” back to school with her.</p>

<p>do you think she would be able to find enough time to go at least once daily?</p>


<p>At least ONCE DAILY? Do you mean more than once on some days, and at least once on other days? </p>

<p>Frankly, I think college kids are very lucky if they can find time to go 2-3 times per week.</p>

<p>Has something changed? I thought the CR went to the rec center all 7 days?</p>

<p>What dorm is she in?</p>

<p>if you want her to get a little regular exercise, have her sign up for a PE class. that is the only way mine will make time to get over there.</p>

<p>My D has been to the Rec several times, but nowhere near daily. She’s taking a Kinesiology class (racquetball), so she has to go for that twice a week, but she’s also gone with kids from her floor to play soccer. She drives there. I suspect if she had to walk or take the bus, she wouldn’t be going. If your daughter loves the cycle/yoga/body sculpting classes as much as you think she does, she’ll make time once things settle down. My D seems to have been really busy since we dropped her off on August 11, and I’m thinking it’s the same for a lot of kids, but I’m guessing (hoping?) things will slow down at some point.</p>

<p>Run to the rec center, work out, and run back. And if you hate running, learn to love it. It’ll do wonders for your fitness, physique, and mood. :)</p>

<p>m2ck: she’s in ridgecrest south north tower. i can’t believe she hasn’t made the effort even once to go when it was such a huge part of her life here at home. plus, i think it would help with stress and quirky stomach problems that she seems to be having since having to adjust to lakeside dining vs. an all organic diet here at home.</p>

<p>If she’s having tummy issues, has she tried buying some of that yogurt that can help with that? She might do better with some of that every morning.</p>

<p>What is her schedule like? Does she have any decent afternoon breaks where she could take the CR over to the rec and exercise?</p>

<p>Maybe she’s getting a lot of exercise just walking around campus?</p>

<p>On one hand, the fact that the school is building a secondary rec center by the Honors dorms is a good thing, but on the other hand, I think that its closeness to the north-campus dorms will cause it to become overwhelmed unless the shuttle system to the current rec center is more convenient.</p>

<p>that is what i was going to say, malanai. if you are going specifically to exercise, why not run to the rec canter. that’s what my husband does.</p>

<p>GIRLS “do” their hair and apply makeup.</p>

<p>Most will try to do so only ONCE a day.</p>

<p>RUNNING to the gym and back would necessitate a complete re-do afterwards.</p>

<p>Not happening.</p>

<p>BOYS just let their sweaty socks dry out on the floor overnite and re-wear them if necessary…</p>


<p>These things are NOT EQUAL.</p>

<p>I think that’s why some girls work out either at the beginning or end of the day.</p>

<p>However, there are some girls doing the exercise classes during the day…don’t know if they have an EZ hair & make up routine or not.</p>

<p>I am a MIDDLE OF THE DAY GIRL!!! Always have been.</p>

<p>But DD is definately not.</p>

<p>yeah - i would think morning or evening would work. not really thinking most kids go to the gym right in the middle of the day. : /</p>

<p>My s goes to the rec center when ever he can. If he could get there quickly he would go daily. He told me the bus system is awlful and very slow. From the presidential village dorm it can take an hour! So he walks over a mile to get there. Why is the bus system so slow? The bus system and getting around campus is the one disappointment about UA for him. I would love to call someone but I don’t know where to start. This discussion also mentions another gym being built, does anyone know where will this be?</p>


<p>I know that the CR routes have changed, but do the colored routes (like Gold and Blue), no longer go clock-wise and counter-clockwise??? </p>

<p>If anything, I think your son can walk to the Hub and then take the green route to the Rec Center…</p>

<p>If Gold no longer has a clock-wise route, that should be reinstated.</p>

<p>BTW…if anyone doesn’t like the routes or would like changes/improvements, don’t be afraid to contact the bigwigs in Transportation to discuss those ideas.</p>

<p>The quickest way around campus is to walk or bike, and that can be part of your exercise routine.</p>

<p>I recommend walking to the rec center. My friends and I walk because our workout is more intense than walking, so walking is our warmup and cool down.</p>

<p>ETA: The bus system is the worst. It’s very inefficient and oftentimes inconvenient.</p>

<p>I’ve sometimes wondered what qualifications the people who schedule bus routes have because it often seems like they have never ridden a city bus to understand that a)making circles as part of a route is inefficient and b) if you have 4 buses on an hour long route and 3 are within 5 minutes of each other, then two of those buses should hold up.</p>

<p>My exercise consists of walking around campus; the rec center is in too distant a part of campus for me to go over there.</p>

<p>As for it taking an hour to get somewhere on a bus, that easiest way to cut down that time is to know campus and walk between stops to avoid having to detour halfway across campus. For example, people connecting from the Gold route to the Crimson route normally think that they have to transfer at the hub as it is the only common stop when in reality they can get off next to Friedman Hall (near the DKE house) an walk through the business school quad to the Bidgood Hall bus stop. This saves 15 minutes.</p>