Questions about Uarts

<p>I have some specific questions about Uarts and if anyone can answer them for me or direct me to the answers I would appreciate it. I have not found these answers on the University’s website as yet.</p>

<p>1.) How many MT’s does Uarts take per year?
2.) Do they have a senior showcase for MTs? And if so, is it for the entire MT graduating class or done by audition?
3.) Does Uarts have a cut system?</p>


<p>My D is a freshman at Uarts and is very happy with the program. There was a large class this year, with too many accepting their offers, so there is about 35 freshman (usually in the 20’s). The school responded by increasing sections, so there are about 10 kids in each class.</p>

<p>There is a NYC senior showcase, which is by audition.</p>

<p>There is no cut system. There are juries at the end of each semester, mainly for evaluation purposes, as there are in most programs.</p>

<p>Let me know if you haver more questions</p>

<p>Thank you so much! Do you know how many spots are open for the showcase participants? Say it was a class of 30. Would they take 15 or would it just be as many as they felt were ready? Since I posted this I found the list of showcase participants and it looks like there are about 13-15 this year, but there have been smaller groups in the past.</p>

<p>I don’t know if they have a fixed number that go to the showcase. I am sure that Patty Raine, the MT head would be able to answer that question for you.</p>

<p>I think about 50% of the seniors or fewer go to NYC showcase - 15 invited through auditions this year (but it is a much smaller senior class than next years or the class coming up from this year’s freshmen)! There is also a showcase in Philly for all seniors and an opportunity to do a quick piece in NYC sometime during the spring semester when all Acting and MT seniors can travel by bus to New York City for a day of clinics and workshops where they will be able to present their work to industry representatives. These look like good opportunities. The theater department knows a lot more about all this than I do and I have always found them great at answering any questions. Also just FYI - we love this school and the past 4 years have been amazing for our D. I believe her MT class was about 20 kids and is now down a few from that original number. They took more MT boys than girls (2/3 boys to 1/3 girls if I recall - her freshman year and it was a relatively small class. It has been a great match for her.
And just a bit of publicity - we are super excited to see D as Elle Woods (double cast with a wonderful junior MT!) in late March in “Legally Blonde - the Musical”. UArts has done a fantastic variety of musical and straight plays every year and the kids are simply amazing - mts, acting, directing, costumes, sets - so impressive! If this school is a fit for you look forward to a quality education and superb performance opportunities. You are welcome to message me too if any questions as you are all making big decisions. (Which seem like just yesterday by the way…)</p>

<p>Congrats to Camille! Katie is really looking forward to seeing the show. Go Oregon!</p>

<p>Thanks oregontheatermom! My daughter received her acceptance to the MT program on Saturday. We did not visit campus for her audition and I have never been to Philadelphia. I have only heard good things however. We are hoping to arrange a trip out East (we are in Michigan) sometime in April. </p>

<p>I can’t send private messages yet as I am a new member. I’ve been a “lurker” for some months but only just started posting. Can you tell me what the university does to prepare the students for the “real world”? I have no doubt it is a top notch program for training, but I was wondering if they have a course or workshops that teach them about the business of being an actor. Things like how to find an agent, how to find auditions/opportunities etc. I am trying to think beyond the four years, because I know she isn’t. (which is appropriate for her age and point in life I think!) Anything you can tell me about how your daughter is getting “ready” for life outside of the University (aside from all of the hard work and training she is doing in school) would be welcomed.</p>

<p>Very helpful information. Our son received a call today notifying him of his acceptance. This is the one school he applied to that he hasn’t visited, so we’ll have to arrange a visit. It sounds like a great program.</p>

<p>Did anyone attend their summer pre-college program last year? My D is considering it and we would love any information/feedback.</p>

<p>My daughter, who graduated from UArts’ BFA MT program in May 2011, was a T.A. in the summer MT program during the summer of 2011. That was the first summer that the program was run under its current structure. It is now designed to emulate the school’s BFA program and provide a “mini” experience of what a freshman in the BFA program would get. The program is taught by UArts’ regular MT faculty and provides an intensive, BFA-like learning and training experience. My daughter had attended the summer MT program in the summer of 2005 and was also a T.A. during the summer of 2010 and reported that the revised program was much more intensive and BFA -like than the prior structure and approach. The curriculum is available on UArts’ website and reflects a good balance of voice, acting and dance.</p>