Questions about UWM and UMich Ann Harbor. Help me out please!

I’m currently a senior in high school looking to apply to both the University of Wisconsin Madison and to the University of Michigan Ann Harbor and needed some advice or opinion on each. I live in Illinois and would like to major in biology and was hoping if anyone could tell me about the opportunities each university presents. For example, how are the research and intern opportunities at each. How are the lab equipment and facilities at each university. Is it a favorable atmosphere to pursue biology in (competitive or a virtually vacant major?). Does either of the universities have plans to expand or renovate their facilities?

Thank you for all the help and feedback! It is appreciated!

I would go to each of these schools forums and ask there instead. Also, it’s Ann Arbor and the facilities are top notch.
U of M is an extremely difficult school to get in and around $55,000 a year for an OOS student.

Currently Michigan is starting to build a huge new biology building, but that won’t be done until after you have graduated. Michigan is strong in biology; top 20 program, but Wisconsin is better.

Those are both very strong schools. If I remember correctly, I believe Biology is one of the most popular majors at Madison, while Michigan is better known for their superb business/economics/law programs. However, both are large, competitive, and public research universities so regardless of which you choose the opportunities (such as undergrad research) will be similar if not the same at both. Good luck!

“…while Michigan is better known for their superb business/economics/law programs.”

Michigan is known for its strength across all disciplines. While it is particularly strong in its business, engineering, social science, music, as well as health offerings at the undergraduate level; it is also is top twenty in just about everything else offered on the Ann Arbor campus. It really has almost no weaknesses academically. Very few schools can say that.

The application deadlines are looming. You need to get all materials in soon. You need to figure which campus you like best as well. Both are strong academic schools with different campuses. None of us can tell you which you prefer.