<p>Hello all :]</p>
<p>... I am hopelessly confused and I thank you for taking the time to read through my jumble of thoughts :P Hopefully my questions aren't phrased too weirdly ...</p>
<p>Firstly, questions on transferring: I looked on assist to see what courses I need to take to transfer into UCB in two years, and it says that I need to basically complete the L& S Requirements in Reading & Composition, Quantitative Reasoning, and Foreign Language. </p>
<p>1) Reading & Composition can be satisfied with a score of 5 on the AP Literature Examination or taking ENG 001A, 001B, 001C.
2) I have satisfied the Quantitative Reasoning with a score of more than 600 on the SAT Reasoning Test.
3) For Foreign Language, it says: "A course comparable to the third year of a foreign language in high school or the second semester of a foreign language as taught at Berkeley." Then it lists courses like "Continuing Elementary Japanese..." - does "Continuing Elementary Japanese" mean the first course to take or the one course that satisfies the requirement overall?</p>
<p>In regards to Reading & Composition and Foreign Language... UCB indicates that "Courses used for breadth credit may not also be used to meet the Reading and Composition, Quantitative Reasoning, or Foreign Language requirements." Does this mean breadth requirements for UCR? Because ENG 001A, 001B, and 001C are all part of the UCR breadth requirements for me, as is Foreign Language... What I'm wondering is... Because I'm taking these courses to fulfill UCB L&S requirements as well as UCR breadth requirements, does the above statement apply to me (meaning I'll have to take other courses)? Or does it only apply to those who are already at UCB? I'm really confused about the R&C in particular...</p>
<p>Also, does fulfilling UCR breadth requirements count as fulfillment of UCB breadth requirements too? Say I take an Art course for UCR breadth... will it also count as fulfillment of UCB's art breadth requirement? And if I take Bio for UCR breadth, will it count as fulfillment of UCB's Biological Science Seven-Course Breadth Requirement?</p>
<p>... I hope that made sense ><</p>
<p>And, one more question!</p>
<p>Does going to an earlier Orientation @ UCR mean I get a better pick of classes?</p>
<p>Thank you again for reading :]</p>