Questions for a Mills Student/Alumna

<p>I'm interested in computer science at Mills College, but I'm worried that there won't be many opportunities for internships. Also, has anyone taken CS courses there? Are they any good?
I'm worried about grade deflation. Does Mills have grade deflation, inflation, or accurate grades?
I'm also worried that my scores and GPA are so high that I won't fit in there. I have a 3.9 GPA and a 2040 on the SAT. Are the students there as intellectual as they would be at a more selective college?
I would love to go to Mills, but these are my concerns. I would greatly appreciate some advice from any Mills students or graduates.
Thank you!</p>

Dear 2015 Graduating,

As a Mills College alum (Class of 2013), I can tell you the courses you will take, including within the CS program, are going to be worth your while. The CS program is filled with faculty who are both knowledgeable and have extensive backgrounds in their fields. I recommend getting in touch with Ellen Spertus. Here is the link to her CV.

As far as grades, the professors are pretty accurate in their assessment of students’ ability. You definitely earn the grade you receive. Students who attend Mills are smart – there’s no doubt about that. There are alumnae who have gone on to be Fulbright Scholars, distinguished artists, ground-breaking scientists, dedicated teachers, and more. Alums have pursued graduate studies at Harvard, Princeton, University of Cambridge, Columbia, Georgetown, UC Berkeley, Stanford, Tufts, and more. The environment at Mills encourages students to engage both inside the classroom and out.

I hope you continue to consider Mills. It provided me with opportunities in research and community engagement. I took on challenges I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. It gave me a sense of community. My Mills education was a transformative experience, one that I wouldn’t change for the world.

@agonzalez4 Do you know anything about the business economics program?

I’m a business econ major at mills, and it’s amazing there! The professors really care; my econ professor regularly sends me and other top students of the class internships and summer programs.