Questions for current Geneseo students

<p>Hey Geneseo students. I'm seriously considering transferring into Geneseo for the fall 2007 term. I already have my acceptance letter, and it is the first college on my list. I have a few questions/concerns regarding the school, so if anyone could answer any of them that would be great.</p>

<p>1.) How do you deal with the rural area? I read that there is a bus to Rochester every weekend, which should help palliate the feelings of isolation I think I may have. Is that true/how reliable is it?
2.) How approachable are the teachers?
3.) How large are most of your classes?
4.) How prestigious do you consider Geneseo?
5.) For females: how do you deal with the female/male ratio? I keep reading that it's around 3:2. Is the discrepancy noticeable/bothersome?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your help.</p>

<p>1) Get a car. Or learn to enjoy the bus. There is a bus to rochester...i wouldn't take it, as it takes about double the time it would usually take you to get there...there are enough things to do on campus. After all, a lot of kids live here. :)
2) Teachers are incredibly friendly. You have your bad ones, like anywhere else, but these professors seem to actually enjoy what they do.
3) Some of the core classes are ...moderately large. 150- 250 ish...but most classes you take for your major (depending on what it is) will be intimate.
4) Geneseo likes to believe it's an amazing college. It likes to inflate it's reputation...but that is not to say that Geneseo is not an incredibly good school. They know what to teach, and they teach well. And that's important in a college..
5) I've never noticed the lack of boys. Maybe a lack of available, hot, and nice guys...but...that's everywhere.</p>

<p>Is it a hard school? how hard is to maintain a 3.5 gpa?</p>

<p>I got waitlisted with a guarenteed transfer for january, will it be difficult to fit in/ make friends coming in half way through the year?</p>

<p>its probably pretty much the same as the beginnin. everyone is sstill pretty new and u only r gnna miss one semester</p>

<p>1.) I come from NYC and Ill be honest, it's really boring here unless you like partying or you get really involved in organizations.. I regret not sticking with some clubs, the weekends can get really dull since i don't party every week. As for the bus, it's pretty reliable and yeah, the 40min ride to the nearest mall kinda blows but it's not bad, time does go by pretty quickly. It does get boring when your only entertainment is going to the mall every weekend, but who am I to talk when I go to wal-mart for fun? lol. Seriously, get involved with various organizations on campus.</p>

<p>2.) My professors were all very open and approachable during their office hours. You could tell they genuinely cared about how you did and were very helpful to talk to</p>

<p>3.) Introductory classes (especially for general education requirements) can go up to or past 100. My smallest class ever was about 25 for an INTD 105, and apparently my calculus class next semester has 5 people o.o</p>

<p>4.) I think GEneseo's kinda overrating itself but I'm cynical</p>

<p>5.) I think there's about 60-70% girls but I've never felt like there was a problem in meeting a lot of guys.</p>

<p>Heyy! I'm a sophomore at Geneseo! I love it. As for your questions...
1) The rural area is BEAUTIFUL. i come from the suburbs of buffalo, so i'm definitely not used to living in the country, but its not bad at all. you have to find things for yourself to do. if you get involved, its great. the bus is definitely reliable, and if you dont' want to do that, you can definitely find someone with a car.
2) The teachers are wonderful. All very approachable. If you go to their office hours and introduce yourself, they are very easy to get help from. Each of my teachers were willing to go out of their way if any of their students needed help.
3)The intro classes can be as big as 150-200, but after you get out of the intro levels, the classes are about the size of a high school class.
4) I think that Geneseo is prestigious. Everyone there works hard. Whether or not it becomes an official honors college, the people there are there because they want to get a quality education.
5) I have never noticed a difference in more females than males. I would have never even thought it was uneven if someone didn't tell me.</p>

<p>Any other questions definitely let me know!!!</p>