<p>I am currently a freshman at a small LAC in ohio and am looking to transfer for Fall 2011. I had a few questions for current Gallatin students and hopefully some people who have transferred into Gallatin from another college/University. I have heard so many complaints about how hard it is to make friends at NYU and I am afraid that by transferring sophomore year, it will be even harder for me to make friends. My thoughts are that Gallatin seems to be a tighter community than, say, CAS or the other larger programs within NYU. Is this statement true? Does the smallness of Gallatin help to foster friendships and decrease the chances of the loneliness and isolation so often spoken of NYU? I consider myself a relatively outgoing person-- I haven't had trouble making friends at my current school. Although, I do like time to myself and feel stifled by the size and location of my current school. I am from Philadelphia and have spent a lot of time in NYC throughout my life, so city life is not something foreign, nor will it be a "culture shock" for me. I thrive in cities and choosing a rural college was just simply the wrong choice for me. Any input would be so, so welcome.</p>
<p>any input?</p>