<p>Dear CC Users:</p>
<p>Here is my current dilemma. I've applied to 10 schools- I've been accepted to 5 (all safeties) + 1 reach (UCLA.)
I have siblings who have gone & graduated from prestigous universities... but the current problem I have is my parents. (i know, cut to the horror music!)</p>
<p>My parents' mantra has always been " whatever school you get into, that will provide you w/ the tools for a great education...is the school you can go to." but because i have gotten into over half of the schools i applied to...my parents arent feeling the same way.</p>
<p>in short: my parents dont think it is necessary to visit schools. i didnt visit before i applied (meaning i went there when i was in 9th/10th grade around family vacations...) but have not visited in the last 2-3 years. i know, you are all probably sreaming right now GO VISIT. which is true. but i am trying to compile a list of questions that a person should ask before enrolling in a school. obviously to me, TA teaching ratios are important... financial aid opps are important... dorm/housing/social stuff is important...
my parents just keep saying " no one turns down harvard because they dont like the professors... " and i (try) to rebutt saying " yeah but if you get into harvard princeton and yale...how will you choose? " </p>
<p>my parents also feel that any and all info can be found online. thus you dont have to go visit. boo. :(</p>
<p>argh. any help would be appreciated <3</p>