<p>I have a few questions regarding the Pharm program :)</p>
<p>-Does the program focus more on clinical or industrial pharmacy?
-Do most students have to complete a residency after the program?
-How is the job market in pharmacy in this and the following decade?
-How do companies in NJ view the Rutgers Pharm program?</p>
<p>Also, is it possible to take the MCAT in the Pharmacy program after two years, and switch out? I originally wanted to do medical, but this pharm program is so enticing :D</p>
<p>Is it difficult to do the PharmD+Phd?</p>
<p>Thank you in advance!</p>
<p>It’s great you’re very ambitious. </p>
<li><p>The job market is amazing, if you have experience (most people do coming out) and stand out. i.e can communicate without being awkward. And, you will probably have to compete for residency wherever you go. </p></li>
<li><p>The Rutgers Pharm Program is viewed amazingly towards pharmacy industries, and it focuses on both clinical and industrial. It has so much diversity when it comes to careers.</p></li>
<p>Of course you can take the MCAT in the Pharmacy program, but you probably won’t want to after two years. But trust me, you’ll love pharmacy as long as you find that great group of people. I think the best part is that it has such a family community.</p>
<p>It’s difficult to get a PhD no matter what. But, it’s useless.</p>
<p>Good luck and enjoy pharmacy! (I’m only a PP1 so I was just in your situation).</p>