Questions for students enrolled at Miami university

<p>Hi I'm just about to be a Senior at my highschool so I've been doing a lot of research on what college is right for me. I've been looking at colleges in Florida and was wondering if anyone can answer my following questions : How hard is it to get into?<br>
Can we choose out roommate?
Are the dorms nice?
Do they have good parties?
Do they have a good psychology program?</p>

<p>I just graduated so I don’t have the best views on everything, but I’ll try.</p>

<p>I didn’t think it was hard to get in, but I have super high grades, extracurriculars, and I’m a National Merit Scholar, so my views on that are pretty biased. </p>

<p>For roommates, you make a profile type thing and it gives you matches. From there, you can view the other person’s bio and choose to contact them. If you hit it off, you just exchange ID numbers and request from there. Or you can do what I did - there’s a Facebook group for the Class of 2018, and there’s a new group for each class. You can post bios in the group and talk to people there. Then the same thing, exchange ID numbers and enter the request.</p>

<p>The dorms are smaller than some other colleges, and they aren’t the most welcoming and cozy until you decorate, but that’s because they’re hurricane protected. </p>

<p>I don’t know about parties or the psych program, but I hope I helped a little!</p>

<p>Hi! I’m actually going to be a freshman in a month at the University of Miami (NOT MIAMI UNIVERSITY!!) and it was my first choice. So glad you chose to focus on the U! So lemme answer these questions…</p>

<p>I believe this year was the most competitive year for the U with about a low 30ish%. In past years it was 39%. Just work on being a rounded student because they consider you using a holistic review process.</p>

<p>Yes, you can choose your roommate. When you turn in your housing deposit, you can take a roommate quiz and theyll link you to a lot of students with similar habits. Then you find them on facebook or email them and start talking. I actually found people on Facebook first just to make some friends and then met some more after I took the test. I ended up with 20 potential roommates lol. So in the end, I narrowed it down to people that show up in my quiz results. I made an awesome friend from Brazil and she would be the best friend ever, but we weren’t compatible. Friends are not always good roommates!</p>

<p>The dorms are…well…dorms lol. They’re actually really bland and depressing, but nothing like art and decorations can’t fix! Each room has a thermastat, so you only have to fight with your roomie about the temperature! Really tiny rooms, so most people loft their beds to create more space. I’m referring to the freshman dorm towers here (Hecht and Stanford) since thats where a vast majority of the freshie live. Also, stanford has music practicing rooms that Hecht doesn’t have, but Hecht has a nicer lobby and better functioning elevator! (I’m in Hecht Pentland this year!)</p>

<p>I have no ideas about the parties yet, but will let you know! I hear that a lot of people hit up the clubs and bars at Coconut Grove and South Beach, so work on getting a good fake! Sororities do not have houses, but some Frats do and they host some parties. A good chunk of the parties are off campus, but there are some dorm parties.</p>

<p>Psychology would be under the College of Arts and Science, and it’s pretty good. I’m not sure about psychology since I’m a Biochem major, but I bet UM has a reputable department for it. Also, if you plan to major in psychology, either double major with something else or minor in another study or you won’t get far in your career.</p>

<p>Hope I helped and good luck!</p>