I am a high school junior and USC is most likely my first choice. I am considering it greatly and have recently been looking into its application process and whatnot.
I read about the optional interview part, and that got me really excited because I would love to have the chance to talk to somebody on USC’s staff and personalize my application a little bit.
I am not expecting to be a Merit interviewee, so these questions just apply to anyone who took the chance and interviewed by choice:
What questions were you asked? Examples please! They would help me (and other potential interviewees prepare!)
Do they expect you to talk about your major and academic goals?
Do they ask about your high school life?
Ergh, I guess I have a few months to prepare but I am still nervous, and any insight would help!
Thank you!
It was insanely straightforward. Like exactly what you would expect it to be.
They talk about your major and why you want to go into that field (but so does every other college in every other interview haha). In my interview, it felt like they just wanted to get to know me better. They asked interesting questions like “what was the best advice you ever gave someone?” and “If you were on the front page of The LA Times, what would it say?”. Also, don’t be afraid to ask them questions like “What kind of student are you looking for?” and then after they answer, talk about how you’re that kind of student (without being pig-headed about it of course haha). All in all, It was very laid back and they were all very friendly. Don’t sweat it but I definitely recommend googling “common college interview questions” and stuff like that and preparing some talking points. It helped me especially since you can get a bit nervous! Good luck!