<p>I just have three main questions here.
1) How selective is Howard for transfers? Any sort of information would be helpful.
2) Do they do grade replacements? If I got an F and then a B+ in one class, do they replace that F with the B+, or calculate both into my GPA? It's huge to me, because it makes the difference between a 3.02 and a 3.47 for me.
3) Any experience with Ws? I have 7, 4 of which were from one semester (I withdrew completely), but I have been doing better.</p>
<p>My goal is to apply to the PA lower division program for the Fall of 2015. I'd have ~52 credits. </p>
<p>Thank you. I 'd appreciate any sort of answer. </p>
<p>Just in case anyone else is wondering:
- I could not get an answer to this question. I called, and they could not give me a legitimate profile because they supposedly don’t keep those records.
- They use the GPA on your transcript. My school uses grade replacement, so they will be using the 3.47 in my GPA calculations (I use the 3.47 calculating this semester grades as my current averages. It could realistically be between a 3.2 and a 3.6. 3.2 if I do poorly, and 3.6 if I get 100s in everything from here on).
- They said Ws don’t need to be explained.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, I’m not too confident in my answers to #1 and #3, because the lady I talked to seemed really uninterested in helping me. But #2 she had a lot more info on.</p>
Hey, I’m trying to transfer to the PA lower division of Howard also so you and I are sort of in the same boat. From what I’ve heard Howard can be pretty selective about transfers, especially if you are applying to certain programs. As far as GPA is concerned I was told that as long as you got a C or above in all of your coursework you should be fine, however a 3.5 or higher is what is considered competitive. Overall I think you’ll be fine and I hope to see you next fall in the PA lower division 
^^ I hope to see you there. Keep me updated! If we both get in, maybe we can exchange info so we don’t go in completely alone lol
I actually just got accepted into Howard (College of Arts and Sciences). I am a transfer student and have a cumulative GPA of 3.6! I have have one W in a non transferable course.
I got accepted yesterday too! Let’s exchange info like you were saying earlier so we can go into this together and help eachother!