Questions for UM students

<p>Hiiii so i've been wracking the internet for information on life at UM but there's a couple things I couldn't find, so if you could answer any of these that would be great </p>

<p>Is it easy to make friends as a freshman? Is each floor friends?</p>

<p>How do people dress? (dresses, sweats?)</p>

<p>How is on-campus upperclassmen housing?</p>

<p>Does wifi cover campus and does it work well/fast?</p>

<p>Also any random information that you may want to add is appreciated haha Thanks!</p>

<p>brixx21 - not a student but a parent of a freshman so some perspective on your questions.</p>

<p>I think the friendships on the dorm floor can vary. My S’s friends tend to be from his fraternity and marching band rather than his dorm floor but I do know other freshman who live on other floors and there are a lot of close relationships there. It really depends. I would encourage you to get involved early on with activities to meet other students.</p>

<p>Based on my observations while visiting campus several times, you don’t see too many sweats (usually too warm) except cooler days (which aren’t often). Guys wear shorts and casual shirts, often UM shirts (lots of give aways of shirts) and hoodies. I saw many girls in shorts and sundresses/skirts and cute sandals. I myself find wearing skirts and dresses to be much cooler in the heat & humidity!</p>

<p>Many students move off campus for sophomore year (often to be done with rules and regulations of campus housing) but off campus apartments are expensive and may require a vehicle to get to/from campus so you have to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You also have to be careful of the area from a safety perspective and think about returning to an apartment late at night. The sophomore dorms offer larger rooms than freshman dorms and many are suite style (which isn’t available for most freshman). The newest residential facility on campus are the University Village apartments for juniors and seniors. They were built in 2006 and it’s just like an apartment complex. The apartments are 1 bed/1 bath, 2 bed/2 bath, 3 bed/3 bath and 4 bed/4 bath. There are a few 4 bed/2 bath styles. All the bedrooms are single occupancy and the apartments have full kitchens. A great option but of course you are still under the rules & regs of campus housing which some students don’t want.</p>

<p>There is wi-fi all over campus. However, the wifi can be problematic in the freshman dorms so many kids use Ethernet (2 outlets in every double room) to faster, more reliable internet connection.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>NEILRRM - Thank you! :smiley: </p>

<p>Another parent perspective: The goal of orientation week and the Orientation Leaders and RA’s is to have the freshman meet as many people as possible and bond with their floormates and other kids. Last year in the first 40 days of school there were more than 40 events to get freshman active and involved. RA’s plan many events and if your student keeps his/her door open and is friendly, they will make friends on their floor (as well as on campus at clubs, etc.) Sharing snacks and candy eases making friends and so does being generally friendly. Freshman all want to meet each other and find people to hang with. But, it is not always easy, as you have to be outgoing, even if it is out of your comfort zone to do so. If your family lives close by, try to stay at the U over the weekends. Lots of friendships formed in the dorm happen on weekends and late at night. Get involved and you will have a flock around you! </p>

<p>Clothing is casual, but there will always be those dressed up for presentations, just because, but most wear shorts/ts and whatever is clean!</p>

<p>Hey! I’m a current student, so hopefully this will help you.</p>

<p>It’s very easy to make friends. The people on your floor will become your closest friends, but you will also make tons of friends on the other floors and it’s not uncommon to have friends in other buildings that you meet in clubs or classes.</p>

<p>There’s no certain way that people dress. People honestly don’t care what you wear, so you can wear sweatpants and a T-shirt and no one will care. Or you can wear jeans, or a dress. It really doesn’t matter. Some people will be very casual, others will be more dressed up. It just depends, but most people just wear whatever they’re comfortable in.</p>

<p>Upperclassmen housing might not have as much of a community feel as the freshman dorms, but there’s a lot of options and it’s still friendly.</p>

<p>There’s wifi everywhere and it works well.</p>

<p>thank you!! very helpful </p>

<p>I have a few more questions for anyone who might be reading :D</p>

<li>How are the professors? Are the classes mostly small? (< 30)</li>
<li>How does one become a foote fellow? Is it only for Singer/Stamps students?</li>


<p>You can check all the professor out on rate my professor website</p>