<p>1) What's Haverford's social scene like? Is it entirely drinking/drugs based? Is the small size of the school a bad thing?</p>
<p>2) How's the theater program, both academic and extracurricular? Are theater classes good? Is it easy to act/direct?</p>
<p>we don;t have a theather program…hford students take that at bryn mawr. social scene is what you make of it…plenty of people who r not into drinking n whatnot. plus philly is nearby .</p>
I am a sophomore at Haverford and am majoring in theatre at Swartmore College. I didn’t realize i wanted to go into theatre until the second semester of my freshman year. Though we don’t have a theatre program i am actually really happy i ended up at Haverford. Because of its lack of resources I was forced out to find my resources outside. Now i do a lot of projects in Philly and i absolutely ADORE the theatre program at Swat. its really challenging and you meet a lot of great professionals from Philly. Not a whole lot of college programs force you to find your own path, but because of theater’s competitive nature is really important. I think if you go to Haveford don’t expect a lot of theatre activity and experiences just handed to you. But if your ambitious and are passionate the situation stretches you in ways you would never have imagined. </p>
<p>There are productions put on a Bryn Mawr that can be quite exceptional. There is also a theatre department there, but its not too extensive. There is also a program called greasepaint, which is a student run organization that puts on two musicals a year within the bi-co. I’m not a musical theatre person so i don’t feel qualified to judge them but i have a lot of friends who really enjoy it. Also there are opportunities to put on your own productions at Haverford, which some have had great success with. There is soo much talent within Haverford and Bryn Mawr that I’m sure you will be able to find passionate people to aid you in everything theatrical. </p>
<p>if you have any more questions about theatre at Haverford don’t feel hesitant to ask.</p>