<p>My first question is, I got assigned Peet, is that a good or a bad hall to be in? I heard it is a party dorm, is that true and how extreme is it?</p>
<p>Also I was wondering how people dress? I’m from California and am looking for a little head’s up. I’m sure everyone dresses in their own different ways, but I imagine there is somewhat of a common theme. So can anyone tell me what the popular trends or stores are at Beloit? I’m comfortable with the stuff I already own but it might be nice to have a little heads up so I won’t feel totally out of place. 
Also, in terms of backpacks/totes what do people use? I want to get a new bookbag before school starts. I have a Vera Bradley bag right now.</p>
<p>Thanks!! (:</p>
<p>Peet is quite the party dorm, and because of this, a lot of people from other dorms don’t exactly treat the dorm too nicely. the bathrooms can be a little icky, and the furniture isn’t in the greatest condition. that being said, peet is a really good place to meet people- most people who lived in peet during their freshman year became really close with their floormates.</p>
<p>like you said, everyone dresses in their own way, however there is definitely a bias towards hipster clothing (it is a small LAC after all :)). i fall into this category, and tend to shop at urban outfitters or ASOS, which is a little on the expensive side. i’m one of the few who like to dress nicely every day, i.e. heels and such, but most people dress comfortably and casually. jeans, a simple top, and a cardigan are a pretty popular combo.</p>
<p>in terms of bags, i use a large satchel bag which is similar to this: [UrbanOutfitters.com</a> > Deena & Ozzy Zip-Front Moto Satchel](<a href=“http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?itemdescription=true&itemCount=80&startValue=1&selectedProductColor=&sortby=&id=18128256&parentid=WOMENS_ACCESSORIES&sortProperties=+subCategoryPosition,+product.marketingPriority&navCount=10&navAction=jump&color=&pushId=WOMENS_ACCESSORIES&popId=WOMENS&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=]UrbanOutfitters.com”>http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?itemdescription=true&itemCount=80&startValue=1&selectedProductColor=&sortby=&id=18128256&parentid=WOMENS_ACCESSORIES&sortProperties=+subCategoryPosition,+product.marketingPriority&navCount=10&navAction=jump&color=&pushId=WOMENS_ACCESSORIES&popId=WOMENS&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=). many just use a plain old backpack, it just depends on your preference.</p>
<p>sorry if this is too long, i’m just really into fashion
i hope this helps!</p>
<p>This is “onceburnt’s” dd a rising senior at Beloit from the east coast… I agree with a lot of the things “radiokvetch” said above. </p>
<p>As for peet it would definitely not be my first choice for a dorm on campus, as radiokvetch suggested it does have a reputation for excessive partying. That being said peet is one of the dorms on campus with a strong community which is a plus. Again I don’t think that where you live (or whom you live with) is a make or break kind of thing at Beloit as everyone is generally very friendly. </p>
<p>Okay on to more fun things… Fashion. Beloit has a diverse scope of styles (understatement of the year). From football guys who come to class in their bucs sweatpants and tshirts to Bssfa kids whom go to class in costumes to sorority girls whom tote vera Bradley bags with their letters to oec (the outdoor environmental club) whom wear a mix of plaid and finds from sal Val (salvation army) to everything in-between. What I mean to say by giving you an overview of the popular trends at Beloit is to tell you not to worry too much about what you wear as most beloiters don’t really care if your vera tote is last seasons or this seasons etc. </p>
<p>I personally use either a long champ bag, a canvas tote bag, or my nothface backpack to class everyday. I often wear either leggings or jeans to class with mocassins or flats. </p>
<p>If you have any more questions about this or anything else please feel free to PM me etc. </p>
<p>Good luck with orientation! See you at Beloit soon!</p>