Questions regarding Brandeis

<p>I was interested about some things about Brandeis. If you are accepted as a transfer student, how difficult is it to get on campus housing? If you have to get off campus housing, how far is it usually from campus, and how hard would it be to get to campus? I also wanted to know when does Brandeis let you know if you were accepted. I hear it was sometime in June, which seems rather late because financial and moving arrangements still need to be made.</p>

<p>nearly all the transfers this year received housing. although they weren’t notified until the middle of the summer. they put all the sophomore transfers on the same floor so they were able to form a tight-knit community. </p>

<p>for off-campus housing, it’s usually located within literally a 5-minute by car radius from campus.</p>

<p>Males that transferred into the class of 2011 all got put in the basement of my building, which was built in the 1960s. I’ve heard so many complaints - there are East bugs, spiders, ladybugs, and occasional flooding. It’s also really dark and creepy down there. I don’t know where transfers got put in other years, though.</p>

<p>“East bugs”? They anything like the monster millipede my daughter found in the Castle? ;^)</p>