<p>D was told by a GC, that students who have taken the ACT more than once may request only the highest test result be sent. Is this true? The GC is encouraging D to take the ACT as often as possible. Is this sound counseling? :confused: What happens if a student's highest ACT score and highest writing exam score are from different test dates?</p>
<p>Yes. ACT has score choice. Don't send the scores to anyone before you know them, including your high school (they have a nasty way of showing up on transcripts). And it's not really "requesting". You have to pay to send the scores. Just don't pay for the bad ones. LOL. </p>
<p>As to question 2 , unlike the SAT very few schools will let you mix and match scores from different testing. WashU, and I believe Michigan are two notable exceptions. Some schools call the mix and match "super-scoring".</p>
<p>You pay per test date. You can certainly send more than one test date's scores if you are willing to pay for it, but you can't divide it up (ask ACT to send individual subscores from different dates).</p>
<p>curmudgeon and DianeR - Thanks for the info. If you pay to have a particular test date score(s) sent to a school, the ACT will send both the comprehensive test score as well as the writing test score if both were taken on the same day. Is this correct?</p>
<p>Yes, that is correct.</p>
<p>ACT = Ask Curmudgeon about the Test</p>
<p>Thanks again curmudgeon :), and xiggi you are quite clever. IĀm slowly reviewing your wonderful SAT prep advice thread Ā Thanks!</p>
<p>xiggi, that was cute :) but you've forgotten more about that test then I have ever known. xig's knowledge of the ins and outs of standardized testing is IMO unsurpassed.</p>
<p>Hey guys, do you know how schools compare the SAT to the ACT? Do they just convert the composite to an SAT score or do they split it into the verbal/math and then convert it?</p>
<p>zoosermom, I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a conversion table for a "math/verbal" type dichotomy. I'm going to say "no" because the Critical Reading would be both English and Reading and what do you do with science? Just Composite ACT to Critical Reading + Math. </p>
<p>There is a conversion table on Collegeboard's site, UC's and some other schools have their own but there's not really much variation. Some of us believe that the conversion table on CB is a tiny bit less favorable to high scoring ACT kids based on the % of kids achieving a certain score. CB's conversion is based on kids who took both tests back in 1934. </p>
<p>O.K. maybe it was a bit later but still, that is suspect methodology for how it is being used. Just as an example (and I don't know this to be true but) : A top 10% ACT scorer may receive a concordance score that would be only top 11% of SAT.</p>
<p>"CB's conversion is based on kids who took both tests back in 1934."</p>
<p>Cur, you owe me a Starbucks Machiatto--at least 1/2 of it. I laughed so hard that I dropped it on my keyboard. </p>
<p>zoosermom--all schools differ on the ACT.</p>
<p>there is a conversion table for just verbal and math published by UT-Austin that you can find by googling. as to whether it is used by others, who knows.</p>
<p>many schools have their own internal conversions.</p>
<p>iirc, that sat-act conversion chart found at the collegeboard site is not really valid. </p>
<p>xiggi may be able to add to the last statement.</p>
<p>Here is the Texas conversion numbers</p>
<p>scroll down aways if you want to avoid all the stat talk ;)</p>
<p>My sons have taken both tests. One did better on the ACT than the SAT by a significant margin while the other was right on the mark on the texas tables. His 35 score on the ACT math was right on the 790 while the other son also had a 35 on ACT math but only a 720 on the SAT.</p>
<p>take them both once and see what happens.</p>