<p>Finally submitted my first application to Chico! Now I'm working on the EOP section of my application..</p>
<p>I am working on the part "Autobiographical Statements". Should I treat each question like an essay? Should a couple sentences work or should I extensively work on each question? There is a lot I want to leave out, like my personal health, that I've been dealing with. I have talked to my doctor about opening that up to discussion, and said that it could be either good or bad, because it is all based on the bias of the reader. </p>
<p>Also, do I need to admit that I was working part time in high school on any part of my application? There was a question on whether there was another child in the family that was aiding with the household expenses but was not sure if I should mention anything. </p>
<p>Note: I seriously do not have money for college and I am trying my best to fund myself through college. My parents cannot help me in college and wish to not help me at all (a BIG reason why I am constantly searching through this website for parental help). My father does not make any money at all while my mom works full time for minimum wage. They're not really big on me going to college because they still believe in the fact that college is "too expensive" or a big waste of time. I am going to college due to the fact I hate living with such limits due to financial hardships due to the fact my parents didn't go to college. Who knew that someone working in fast food without leadership positions for over 35 years can tell me that I shouldn't go to college... </p>