Questions regarding traveling around in the campus?

<p>Alright, I just enrolled myself to Madison yesterday! I'm excited to be a Badger next year! Here are my questions, is there any church in the campus? If so, which residence hall from Lakeshore is the closest to the church? How many miles away approximately from that residence hall to the church? (I probably will attend church every week) In addition, I will probably join many different activities and if possible, I want to help out doing some kind of research. So basically, I'll need to travel to many different places on a daily basis. My parents and I are debating whether it's faster to move around on car or bike. I haven't been to the campus before because I didn't have a chance to so I have no idea how the traffic there look like. If it is indeed faster to move around by car then my parents will buy me a car for college. I don't mind travelling around by bike (good exercise) if it doesn't take too long to bike, especially I don't want to bike too long in the winter (too cold for me). I'll be very busy so I don't want travelling take up too much of my time. So does travel by car or bike faster in U of Wisconsin Madison (also if you consider time travel by car, don't forget to take in account from the walking time from the parking place to wherever I want to go). In other word, is there a lot of parking places so I don't have to walk far from the parking to whenever I want to go? Any input will be greatly appreciated! </p>

<p>Parent here – do not bring a car, it will be a major hassle. The dorms don’t have student parking, and there is not handy, in and out parking for students near academic buildings. A bike works great, or slightly more exotic, a longboard or moped. Many bike shops around campus, you can either bring bike or pick up a second hand, durable one (to make it through the winter) in town. Once the cold sets in, you may decide to ride the bus (UW students ride free) as a number of different routes travel from one end of campus to the other all day long, with buses about every 5-10 minutes. </p>

<p>My personal advice – do not even think of bringing a car. There are daily coach buses that run from campus to Chicago O’Hare and Midway airports so you don’t need a car to get in and out of town for break. </p>

<p>As for church, depends on the denomination you are looking for. </p>

<p>Sounds great! So I guess the car idea is out. Too much trouble for little what it can do. Anyway, are you saying I can pretty much get to any locations within the campus by riding the bus? And for my church-related questions, I’m catholic. Please answer my church-related questions above!</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt; This church is almost literally on campus.
Also, if you google a satellite view of Madison and the campus, you can tell that it is a very walkable/driveable city.</p>

<p>If you can get a car and a bike that would be ideal… I’m pretty sure no college kid has ever been gifted a car and not wanted it. </p>

<p>@waitwut which Lakeshore residence hall is the closest to the church you said? </p>

<p>The closest Lakeshore residence hall to St. Paul’s Catholic Church is Elizabeth Waters and THE closest residence hall on the entire campus to St. Paul’s is Chadbourne. Liz doesn’t have a learning community, so if you rank Liz first, you are just as likely to get your last choice of dorm as your first choice. However Chadbourne DOES have a learning community and if you rank Chadbourne’s learning community as your first choice you are practically guaranteed you will get Chadbourne.</p>

<p>Link to St. Paul’s University Catholic Church (check out the ‘Students’ tab)
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Elizabeth Waters
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<a href=“”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@Madison85 is right, thanks.
But you can judge the distances for yourself by cross referencing these maps.
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;

<p>My daughter has lived in Chadbourne for two years and loves its central location. Also very handy for Mass at St. Paul’s which is literally across the street. She goes to the late Sunday night Mass every week so I’m glad she doesn’t have a long walk back to the dorm at night. </p>

<p>NO car! You won’t be using it around campus and likely won’t be going home most weekends as there is too much to do on/near campus. A bicycle can be useful- a cheap/affordable to lose one is a better bet than one worth stealing. With all of the hills you may just opt for walking. Or using the campus bus service. There is no need to go far from campus for just about everything you would want so there is no need to worry about transportation to get away from the campus area. You are likely young and healthy and can manage to get from all points on campus. Good exercise as well.</p>

<p>As for where to live- do not worry about the closeness of your brand of church. The Catholic Center is on State St near the University Bookstore and should have enough mass times to meet both early bird and night owl preferences. Even living in the farthest Lakeshore dorm from State St is not a burden. Choose your housing for your everyday living- the place that suits you in all other aspects of your life. </p>

<p>Eons ago I walked from Lakeshore in all kinds of weather and it was worth it. Too bad the other dioceses are nowhere near as liberal- it was a reverent, thinking group back then. But I digress- good memories of that place, however.</p>

<p>There are several other Christian denomination churches near campus (none ON campus, of course, since it is a public school). They have been there forever and the campus has grown around them. To others wondering about where they want to go to church- look up the lists on the UW website.</p>