Questions to ask while visiting

<p>I'll be visiting Seattle University at the end of the month (been accepted) and I need lots of questions to ask the counselor there. So far my list is (just started it a min ago):
-Could I study in Beijing for a semester/year?
-Could I rent books from UW's library?
-Could I take classes at UW if you guys don't offer them?
-What are the work study options for students whose EFC is well above the cost of attendance?
-How are roommates chosen?
I'm looking to get into the nitty gritty here because I would be living there for four years if I attend. So suggestions that are specific would be helpful, but I'm not expecting anything too specific because I'm the only one who knows what I want out of a college experience. Any suggestions to add onto the list would be very much appreciated.</p>

<p>Make sure you know your housing rules. If you have a disrespectable roommate it can ruin all your dreams. Read my post in Parents of the high school class of 09 pg 153.</p>

<p>They have a six year graduation of rate of approx. 68%. I’d want to know why students take extra time to graduate. Is it because of being unable to get into some courses? Work interfering with studying? Too many students having to repeat a class because of failing? Ask students about this too. Can YOU afford it if you don’t graduate in 4 years?</p>

<p>Why do students leave? Unable to afford it? Transfer out? To where?</p>

<p>Good luck on your visit.</p>

<p>Ask the person conducting the interview what Seattle U. has to offer you and why it would be a good fit for you.</p>