<p>I know we havent picked out our schedules yet, but this is what I have planned so far (Im a Computer Science major, btw):</p>
<p>CSE 8A
Math 20C
Music 114</p>
<p>Now I replaced Warren Writing 10A with Music 114, so that I can keep things a bit easier for my first quarter and so that I can start on my Area Studies (Im taking an Upper Division course here, since I already received AP Credit for the Lower Division course and this class does not have any prereqs). Is this alright?</p>
<p>Also, it's been over a year since Ive taken calculus at high school and was wondering if I could retake Math 20B but STILL have it count in my GPA even though I already have credit, or does it not work like that?</p>
<p>Hey Brownman, I thought you were doing computer engineering. I’m also Warren/comp sci…I hope it won’t turn out to be too difficult compared to comp eng. </p>
<p>So it will be too difficult if I take warren writing with Math 20C and the comp sci classes? I’m so confused as to what classes to take because I have a few credits left and right from AP tests and CC classes. To answer your question, I don’t think you can take a class for gpa and stuff after you have already covered it with ap credit. It wouldn’t be fair to the students who don’t have the ap experience.</p>
<p>Oh brownman and other readers, how many credits do you have coming in? I’m curious.</p>
<p>I’ve TAed 20B before and there isn’t too much carryover between that and 20C really. 20C picks up at a point where you just need to remember basic calculus (rules for derivatives, implicit derivatives, integration, double integration). 20B actually seemed harder to me as a TA than 20C did to me as a student (never had to take 20B, myself).</p>
<p>Taking Math 20B will not effect your GPA since you already have credit for it. And yeah, you can take Music 114 since there isn’t any prereqs for it.</p>
<p>Darn Brownman, that’s pretty depressing…I only got 36 units from AP tests, I’m not sure how many units I get from my 2 CC classes but I think 3 units each? …so 42 units total? If there’s a bunch of freshmans with as many units as Brownman, I’m gonna be pretty screwed? haha</p>
<p>Yeah don’t fret about units entering. I knew people who entered with 4. I entered with 56. I had a friend who took CC classes throughout HS and entered with about 100. All of us had ample time to sign up for necessary classes.</p>
<p>Are/Were you on pace to getting out 1-2 quarters early with those 56 credits? I plan on graduating early so I want to know how doable it is with 52 credits.</p>
<p>Not really. Those units were almost all elective units, which only helped with earlier registration. I only tested out of maybe 3 classes all together. That and I’m graduating with a double major/double minor, so I never considered graduating in under 4.</p>
<p>Ummm taking like 1 class during summer school each year and then I’m just a history major so I don’t have too many required classes. i’m lucky, I guess - or I just plan well. I’m also going abroad this fall. So just know you can do it all!</p>