
<p>I am most likely going to attend Geneseo, but I have a couple of questions…</p>

<li><p>How is the social life outside of parties? Is there anything to do? </p></li>
<li><p>Are the students generally liberal or conservative… and how politically active are they?</p></li>
<li><p>How are the anthropology and sociology departments there?</p></li>
<li><p>Are the students generally quirky? Do many of the students have alternative tastes… in music and/or film? Are some of the students idealists or counterculture intellectuals? Or is most of the student body just pretty normal?</p></li>
<li><p>I know Geneseo has been trying to get more diverse… what’s the general attitude towards diversity?</p></li>

<p>I’m very curious about Geneseo. Thanks to those who respond.</p>

<p>Anyone???? (extra question marks... 10 character rule)</p>

<li><p>There is, if you get involved. If you're not a partier and stay in your room all day, yeah you'll be hella bored. There are a lot of different clubs and organizations you can joiin</p></li>
<li><p>Generally I think the campus is liberal, I've heard some complaints about how some professors are very left-wing and attack conservatives in lectures but eh. As for being politically active, I haven't really seen too much aside from the recent war protest but there is a republican club... and I think a democratic one too.</p></li>
<li><p>I've no idea</p></li>
<li><p>Maybe i'm harsh but most of your student body is white girls in Abercrombie shirts and ugg boots. There are some quirky alternative people out there though</p></li>
<li><p>I think most people embrace it but I have heard some cracks about the growing number of asians and blacks</p></li>

<p>Thanks for answering my questions. I'm pretty much out of options... good to know that most of the campus is liberal, but I'm worried about the lack of diversity (white girls in abercrombie shirts and ugg boots... bleh).</p>

<p>I'm currently a sophomore English/PoliSci major at Geneseo. These are fun questions. </p>

<li><p>I know it's cliche advice, but if you desire a social life outside of the party scene, join a campus organization. Geneseo's dullness can be a lot more bearable if you have a car too. There is also an advantage to the isolation/boredom of Geneseo: it forces you to become engrossed in your studies. </p></li>
<li><p>I would say that the students are vaguely liberal and apathetic (thats probably how it is on most campuses). The people who are politically active are pretty hardcore about it and you see anti-war demonstrations from time to time (I've taken part in one). The most prominent leftist organization is called infoshare. Also, a lot of professors have a liberal bias. When given the opportunity they will take cheap-shots at the administration and a few of my professors are self-proclaimed Marxists.</p></li>
<li><p>I've never taken any classes in those departments so I can't say. They are two of the smaller departments. </p></li>
<li><p>It's hard to make a sweeping generalization about the student body, but I would say they are mostly normal, suburban kids. There are quirky/alternative/indie kids if you know where to find them. I recommend joining the campus radio station, wgsu (I'm a dj), if you want to meet quirky/non-conformist people. </p></li>
<li><p>Most students are very tolerant and accepting, but some of the townspeople are not.</p></li>

Are the students generally quirky? Do many of the students have alternative tastes... in music and/or film? Are some of the students idealists or counterculture intellectuals? Or is most of the student body just pretty normal?


<p>This is one of the main reasons I've ruled Geneseo out, it's almost entirely made up of mainstream, small-town/suburban kids. Hardly any edge to the student body. Look at Purchase, New Paltz, Buffalo or Potsdam for this criteria.</p>

<li><p>If you're not into the partying and drinking, you'll probably be pretty bored on weekends. Keep in mind that most clubs and organizations only meet once a week (usually on a weekday). </p></li>
<li><p>More liberal than conservative. There is a decent amount of conservative viewpoints on campus, but I've found that they aren't as outspoken. Overall, the students don't get involved in politics too much.</p></li>
<li><p>The only thing I know about the anthropology department is that they are very active with fundraising for AIDS and other causes.</p></li>
<li><p>Most students are from small upstate towns. The student body is pretty monotonous.</p></li>