<p>1) Yes, we are on a rolling admissions system. It’s amazing. Tulane was one of my first acceptances and does so much to get your attention before you get your Ivy acceptances so it seems like they really really want you, whereas schools accepting kids later aren’t able to woo you as much.</p>
<p>2) Wow, that’s a lot of questions. I would say that the social dynamic is AMAZING. I love college for that reason- you get to pick your friends, your social scene, your life. Especially at Tulane, everyone seems so friendly and you really do get to know everyone in your class.</p>
<p>Having just finished recruitment season, right now it does seem like Greek like dominates. But haha don’t worry, that’s not all the time. The reason recruitment is going on right now is because Tulane offers deferred rush, so that you have a semester to adapt to college before making the huge decision about whether or not to go Greek. It’s a great opportunity if it’s the right thing for you, but if it’s not, there’s absolutely NO reason to worry. I’m not in a sorority, but I’ve already got my suite planned for next year with seven other girls, and in our suite alone three of the six Tulane sororities are represented. It’s so easy to make friends and stay friends with people outside of your sorority/frat and the Greek scene.</p>
<p>The party scene is of course wonderful. As a freshman, there’s usually about two open parties a week, and we have the best bars ever. A lot of the time frats also have buses to bars and an open tab. Also, once you get your tight group of friends together, you’ll find that no matter where you go out, you’ll have fun.</p>
<p>The dating scene is what you make of it. I have a boyfriend that I met here in September, but it also wouldn’t be hard for me to live without a boyfriend. You do see people hooking up, but it’s also usually with the same people. So basically, you can hook up with a lot of people you want if you want, or just a few, or find yourself someone who wants to settle down. There’s a giant range and it’s pretty much just what you’re looking for.</p>
<p>3) You’re in a city, and of course there are going to be unsafe spots. That being said, I’ve never had a reason to go to any of those spots. Tulane is great with transportation, shuttles, and everything. There’s also cabs and the streetcar so you don’t have to walk through bad areas. In addition, everything you need on a day-to-day basis is within safe walking distance. At night, you should still be safe as long as you are with a couple other people. I wouldn’t go walking around at night alone, but I don’t think that’s really safe anywhere you go. So use your judgment, listen to what the Tulane authorities tell you, and be smart.</p>
<p>4) I have never even heard of Chipotle so I’m sorry! But definitely know that there are great restaurants everywhere in this city. Pizza places, diners, Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Indian, regular restaurants, everything. You want it, New Orleans has it.</p>
<p>Hope this helps!</p>