<p>So say someone applies before November 1st, and doesn't get the scholarship, but does get a response saying that "we'll notify you on December 15th for our first go around" something to that effect. If they don't get in the December 15th cycle, then will they be put back into the pool for consideration again and recieve another decision in March? or is it Good night and good luck?</p>
<p>yes, you will be reconsidered with the rest of the regular applicant pool and be notified at the latest in March.</p>
<p>ok cool beans. thank you</p>
<p>actually one more Q: is a 3.45 gpa with a 28 on the math and a 32 on the english ACT with pretty good EC’s good enough to be admitted in the notification period in 2 weeks?</p>
<p>o and what are your guys’s opinions about the gtg’s. haha</p>
<p>gtg’s? Not sure what you mean</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - “The Perfect Option” THE GTGs, GA Tech’s gtg491y & gtg562h](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aI6EAsKvgg]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aI6EAsKvgg)</p>
<p>and regarding post 4 too.</p>
<p>i think you have a pretty good chance. it depends on your ecs and essay as well. </p>
<p>and the gtgs are awesome!</p>
<p>haha ok i think so too they’re not bad at all. and yeah my ec’s i think are pretty good and my teacher reallly liked my essay, it made him cry. love that guy</p>
<p>how much do EC’s and the essay help in the process.</p>
<p>the four key components tech looks at:
-high school gpa/ rigor of curriculum
-ecs, leadership, etc.
…so theyre weighted like 25% each?? pretty heavily weighted.</p>
<p>well adding to what i said above, i have taken mostly honors courses, done a bunch of comm service, and had a job, etc., so can I get in on the Dec. 15th notification period?</p>
<p>wait, if you get any sort of notification within this period…are you a semifinalist for the psp?? basically, if youre accepted, you’re a semi, and if deferred, youre not?</p>
No, I do not believe that’s the way it works. When my d was accepted, she also had a separate letter notifiying her that she was a PSP semi-finalist. In fact, she’s already sent in all the additional materials that they requested of her, and she’s waiting for the next part of the process, which, I believe, is the interview.</p>
<p>yeah the psp thing is over now, i think now they’re doing regular admissions, and that’s the one that i hope i get in during, but i’ll have to wait and see</p>
<p>I think they are still processing files. Semifinalists will continue to be chosen through about Dec. 15. With a record number of applications this year, there’s no way they could process them all two weeks earlier than last year…</p>
<p>is this the record high of early applicants so far?? that limits my chances…</p>
<p>wait, hold the phone: they’re still doing PS? what the heck</p>
<p>yeah they do it til mid december for those who applied after oct 1st and before oct 31st. theyre the second round of applicants for psps</p>
<p>oh that’s cool, i’m still in the running i thought all hope was lost.</p>