Quick Cal Grant question?

<p>So I was recently given some Cal Grant money, could someone tell me the proper steps I should take to getting the Cal Grant with no problems? I'm having some trouble understanding the directions that I've been given.</p>

<p>Currently, the status online of my Cal Grant says Auto-Accepted.</p>

<p>My next plans of movement had been to mail in the "High School Graduation Certification Form", and to "Contact my school of my award". Are there any other things I need to be aware of? Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>The CalGrant will be included as part of your college's financial aid package. So the money goes to the school for disbursement, not to you. Generally, you'll never actually have the grant money in-pocket, as the school will apply it to tuition, or tuition and other school expenses.</p>

<p>Your responsibilities include making sure that your high school sent the GPA verification form to Cal Grant (some send automatically, others do not), and making sure that CalGrant knows what college you'll be attending in September. If you're already in college and this is a continuing CalGrant award, you don't need to do anything.</p>

<p>Check with your college's financial aid department to see if everything is in order. The CalGrant website is notorious for not being current on status.</p>