Quick Chance for UCs

Hi just give me a quick estimate thanks!

UC GPA: About 4.4 - 4.5
SAT: 1500 (700 / 800) Essay: 17/24
SAT 2: Chem: 800, Math 2: 800
APs: will take 14 by the end of Senior year

Major: Mechanical Engineering or Aerospace (Where available)

Quick EC run down:
Interned at UCSD lab with well know Professor (with letter of rec from Professor)
Science Fair 1st place regionals, 5th place state, Environmental award and plug in america award
Invited to Rutherford lab to present data on radiation analysis
UCSD College Course (Calc 3) - A+ earned
30 hours of flight experience
Founded a How to build computer club
Did Science olympiad for 2ish years (4th, 12th place regionals - high school team won 1st place both times at regionals)
5th place statistics contest UCSD

Anyway thats just a quick rundown, if you need more info let me know


Also forgot to put
Intern at Biotech company
Leader of Lab and Research for iGEM competitor 2017

you look like a strong candidate for all the UCs but, apply broadly.

Good luck.

Agree that you are competitive applicant and have a very good chance at the UC’s.

Overall admit rates and not major specific.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA(capped weighted) of 4.20 or above (2016)
UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

Alright thanks, I’m aiming for Berkeley, I’m guess with a 4.3-4.4 that percentage bumps up to like 60-70%