<p>I really can't believe I'm making one of these, but as I'm reading these threads, I'm beginning to get a little nervous.</p>
<p>Here goes.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.67 weighted (my school has a very odd weighting system...the highest weighted GPA in my class is a 4.0)
ACT: 32 (36 English, 35 Reading, 31 Math, 26 Science...may retake because that Science really was a kicker)
SATII: Bio E 700, but I took it my freshman year...will be taking US History and Math II in October
APS: 5 on Euro sophomore year, 5 on English Lang and US History and 4 on AP AB Calc junior year
Senior year schedule: AP French, English Lit (we take the AP at the end of the year but it doesn't count as an AP class), Economics (no AP offered), International Relations, Peer Leadership, scattered Religion requirements and science electives</p>
<p>As for ECs, I'm the head of my school choir (in it for 4 years), generally do two shows every school year and the class one-act plus camp shows (about 10 shows as of now, not counting the play and the musical I'll be doing this year). I've got 150+ community service hours (it's a requirement for my Catholic school to do at least 50 a year) and one of my community activities is being a docent for the Historical Society in my town. Some random clubs in between the big ones. In terms of athletics, I'm starting crew this year.</p>
<p>I've also got a job this summer doing research for a Princeton University professor...I'll probably be continuing it into the school year.</p>
<p>Applying to:
Yale (huge reach...not expecting much but it's worth a shot)
Middlebury (slight legacy)
<p>Here's the twist. I know my GPA is lower than many of those on this board and many more who will be applying to the same schools I am. However, I am a HORRID math and science student. I take honors classes and do indeed challenge myself, but science and math really just beat me up and leave me bleeding. I've brought home atrocious grades in Physics and Chem Honors. My report card is generally straight As in English, History, and sometimes French, and some Bs or lower at the other end of the academic pool.</p>
<p>My passion, as evidenced by my grades, is really history. My school is tiny, and by the end of this year I'll have finished every class offered in the History department. What I'm wondering is if colleges will be able to look past the bad-ish GPA/science and math grades to see that I am a very good humanities student. Does being good at what you plan to major in in college count for anything, or do you have to be an all-around genius to stand a chance?</p>
<p>Thanks for any feedback, it would be greatly appreciated!</p>