Quick FAFSA Question

“Have you lived in the state of Georgia for at least 5 years?”

I was born in GA and lived here until 2011, then moved to Florida. I was a resident there until May 2014. I moved back to GA and have been a permanent resident since, with a GA drivers license. Technically, I have lived in GA for more than 5 years, but not consecutively. Would I answer this question with Yes or No?


Thank you!

Please post in the forum where people have knowledge to help you. Moving this to the Financial Aid forum

I would answer ‘No’, but it really doesn’t matter. If you haven’t lived there for 5 years, the school might check out your qualifications for instate tuition a little closer. I answered No on my daughter’s form, and it then just asks when you moved to the state, I put in the date which was more than a year before, and there were no problems.

The answer is “No”. Then in a subsequent question it will ask when you moved to GA.

Hoping @Cakeforce1 sees the responses that are the correct ones. The answer is NO, not yes.